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How Personal Training Works

Get support, guidance and motivation to exercise so you can transform your body, get fitter and healthier in a way that suits you. With programmes to get 'bigger, leaner & stronger' to 'healthy balanced living' there's something for all goals, whether you're looking to feel better or look like a Hollywood super hero! You will get a Personal Training programme to suit your fitness, body, goals and lifestyle and one that guarantees results.

How It Works

Your 3 step journey to a fitter, healthier life starts with a free consultation with me. I will assess and not guess and we’ll take the time to understand what you want to achieve. If you're looking for a personal trainer in Orpington and Bromley, or even online personal training, then I'm here to help.


Initial Assessment:

I will assess your posture, balance, bio-mechanics and body composition. This will shed a light on areas of concern that may need extra conditioning or stretching to help prevent injury and produce the best results from training. Here, we will discuss & set your goals and establish your current fitness level (no matter if you are a total beginner or you are a super fit athlete). 



I design a programme that will be stored on your very own comprehensive online membership area that will include everything from personalised diet and recipe plans, training programmes, audio programmes, workout routines and much more, all tailored to your goal and your body’s needs to ensure nothing gets in the way of your success.


Re-Assess: Movement

Posture, balance, bio-mechanics and body composition will be reassessed to ensure you are ready to move to the next level of exercises. This way you can feel safe that you are doing the right exercises for your body and level to get the best results possible.


Re-assess: Metrics

I will be measuring your body composition to ensure you are reaching your goal. This takes the emotions and self-perception out of the equation as the numbers are always the best measure for progress.


Who's this for?

Personal Training is ideal for those who need guidance, motivation and consistency. For those that want someone to ensure that every rep, set and exercise is going to get them to their goal faster while instilling a better connection to exercise for long term commitment to a better body.

This is for people that are looking to achieve results like Fabio below:


Month 1                                      Month 9                                   Month 10                                       Month 12                                      

What's Involved?

With over 17 years of Experience in exercise, diet, mindset and lifestyle, I look at the whole picture of your life and am qualified to help you find the solutions that best suit your body and goals. So whether you want to get fitter, lose weight, get stronger, prevent injuries, or train for that competition I can help you achieve your fitness and body goal. 


I find many men generally like to shed fat and build muscle, while women prefer to “tone” their muscles and slim down. But, being toned or being defined means only one thing... that you have muscle, and a low enough body fat percentage so that this muscle can be seen! Whatever your goals and reasons for starting, I’ll teach you how to get the look, health and improved lifestyle you want and more importantly how to maintain this for the long term.


As a mobile trainer I will meet you where it is convenient; your garden, the local park or your front room! In my experience, this method of mobile training package has much more of a lasting effect as it works around your busy life. There is also the option of online training too for those that live further away or would simply prefer this time-saving option.

Once a consultation has taken place and your personalised exercise plans created we'll be straight into having your first session where we will go through the plan and get started with suitable workouts that you can work through between each session. We will also take body measurements regularly so you can monitor your progress towards your goals and stay motivated.

Free Consultation

Body and Posture Assessment

Personalised Corrective Exercises 

Personalised Workout Plan

On-Going Support & Accountability

1 to 1 Training Sessions

Fat & Muscle Assessment Tracking

Nutrition Plan & Recipe Guide

Bespoke Plans

A 'one-size-fits-all' exercise approach simply does not work for most of us and we need exercises and support that suits our bodies, fitness levels, lifestyle and strength. That's why when you start a personal training plan with me I will also create you a bespoke exercise and nutrition plan that works for you and helps you to meet your goals. This will be created after an initial body and posture assessment plus full nutritional assessments.  Having a diet plan that's tailor made to your goal, food tastes and lifestyle requirements is one you'll actually be able to stick to. These plans, combined with regular health coaching and personal training sessions, help you to improve your fitness and health in the fastest way possible and in a way that it can be maintained.

Fitness plan example

Ready to get in shape in 2023?

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